How To Write In APA
How To Write In APA
APA Formatting Module
This scenario-based eLearning module was designed to help first-year university students practice APA formatting skills in a structured, self-paced environment. The goal is to enhance learners' ability to apply APA guidelines confidently and accurately while maintaining academic integrity in their writing.
The Audience
First-year university students, typically ages 18–20, from diverse backgrounds and varying familiarity with academic writing standards.
Instructional design (ADDIE, backwards design, storyboarding, prototyping, and full build), visual design, content writing, and eLearning development.
Tools Used
• Rise 360
• Canva
• Freepik
First-year university students struggle with formatting their academic papers according to APA guidelines. Many are unfamiliar with key elements like in-text citations and referencing multiple types of sources. Without clear instruction, these students find it challenging to adhere to academic writing standards.
After conducting a needs analysis through a survey and interviews with students and key stakeholders (professors, writing center tutors), I suggested multiple learning solutions, including an e-learning course, written guides, and templates for APA formatting.
Design & Development
Using the ADDIE model, I began with a needs analysis to assess students' familiarity with APA formatting. Based on the results, I developed a streamlined eLearning course to break down APA rules into four manageable modules: introduction to APA, page setup, in-text citations, and reference lists.
The course featured a clean academic design and concise language, tailored to the target audience. Interactive elements, such as real-life examples and visuals, reinforced learning, while practical exercises in each module allowed students to apply APA guidelines directly to their writing.
By focusing on clear, accessible content, the course supported diverse learning styles and ensured students could retain and apply key APA concepts effectively.